Reno Restaurants - Sup
6:37 PM
Long time no see everyone. I yet again disappeared, and if you've stuck with me, I should honestly send you all a little something special. Where do I begin?
When I published my last post in January of 2019, we were living in Henderson, Nevada, but had made a decision to move to Reno. We were finally tackling the cosmetic changes to the house that had been lingering since we moved in. I painted the hallway, we had new carpeting installed in the entire upstairs of the house, we had the old hot tub pulled out of the backyard and relandscaped (is that a word?).
We ended up waiting until June to list the house and sold it in the first two weeks. In something of blind panic, we started looking for a house in Reno. We knew that we did not want to end up in a tract house again, so that narrowed our search significantly. I found the house which had a rather unique description in the listing, and that's probably why no one else was really interested in it. It's a mid-century ranch house that has been expanded over the years. I never thought I would be a mid-century, and honestly, the main part of the house - kitchen and living room - is all that's left of the original house. I do dislike how dark and enclosed it seems, but I'm working on it.
If you noticed that my pronouns changed over that last paragraph, you deserve a grammar prize, and it was intentional. What started as a journey with us, is now a journey with just me. I'm not ready and don't know if I ever will be ready to publicly discuss this, so I'm leaving it at that.
Ariana had come home for spring break just as we started to self-isolate. Her boyfriend, Tony, soon joined us as we were concerned about some of the habits of his roommates and felt it would be safer with him here. I now feel like these two are my roomies for the long hall we've been together for what feels like so long. Good thing it's a big house.
I have so much to do in this house and so many projects. I tackled my foyer first since that's the first thing you see when you walk in the door. I will be posting an update on that room soon.
We are happily supporting local restaurants that have reopened recently. Ariana and I were loving picking up lunch at Sup, and this week we were able to do it again. We have switched to a Keto diet to counteract the calories we consumed in the first eight weeks we were isolated in the house. I chose the Cranberry Salad with Chicken and A had the Chop Salad.