I Wanna Build a Terrarium

8:12 PM

When we were kids, my sister had a terrarium inside of a Sparklett's water bottle.  I thought it was the coolest thing ever.  I was poking around on Pinterest when I was looking for pictures of bar carts when I saw a console that I really liked.  What was that on the corner?  A little mini terrarium inside of a bell jar.  You know how serendipity or coincidence happens when you least expect it?  All of a sudden, I started seeing pictures of terrariums pop up all over the place in Pottery Barn catalogs, in magazines, and on t.v.  Maybe it's my renewed interest in gardening, but I think I'm going to try and plant one.  I found these easy instructions from Better Homes and Gardens that make it seem so simple.

I have this old bottle that I'm going to start with.  I'll have to find little, tiny plants, but I think it will be cute.

You can always start with several different containers they have at Pottery Barn.  

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