Entertaining / Thanksgiving Tablescape
6:00 AM
Last year’s Thanksgiving was the first holiday in our new home, but coming on the heels of an out-of-state move, a long vacation in France, and a few road trips back to Los Angeles, we decided to stay home just the three of us and have a simple and relaxing holiday. I admit I was pretty worn out. I had managed to decorate for Halloween as I showed here, but other than keeping some of my pumpkins out, I didn’t get very into Thanksgiving.
This year, even though we are staying home and having just the three of us again for Thanksgiving, I wanted to put a little more effort into it. I pulled out my pumpkins and scattered them around the house, put up a festive leaf garland on my balcony as well as a few pillows and plaques, but I really decided to put most of my effort into the tablescape.
A is cooking her first Thanksgiving this year since this will be her last year living at home full time, and we thought this would be good practice for her when she’s doing the meal on her own in the future. There’s nothing like practicing when Mom is here to talk you through it. Since she’s doing all the work, I wanted to set a beautiful table as a backdrop for her efforts.
I went back and forth on getting flowers this year. I love an acorn and twig wreath that I bought at Hobby Lobby last year and was going to have that be the centerpiece with a large pillar candle in the center but really felt drawn to having some type of flowers this year instead. I used a large red vase and several bunches of flower stalks in autumnal colors that I arranged together and ended up putting the wreath in the nook next to my front door.
I decided not to use a tablecloth this year instead going for the rustic look of my tabletop, but I still used a mixture of my different china patterns as well as a small plate from an everyday set that has a harvest theme paired with my formal silver. I then used some antique glassware and a sprig of dried lavender across the top of each setting.
I had no need for placecards this year since there will only be the three of use, but I did scatter some of my small seasonal candleholders on the table as well.
Overall, I think the look is simple, rustic yet classic. I’ve partnered with several other bloggers for the Tablescape Blog Tour. Please take the virtual tour by clicking the little blue frog below and see what everyone else has planned for the holiday tables this year.

You have a beautiful mix of china patterns on your Thanksgiving table. I too decided not to use a tablecloth this year. I like the look you achieved.